About us

We are Hans, Cindy, Sophia and Helena Lubbers. In total we rent out seven holiday homes, six in Felsenkeller Bielatal and one next to the Jagdschloss Bielatal. The last holiday home carries the name of our daughter Sophia.

We make our best effort, to offer our guests an unforgettable stay in luxuriously decorated monumental holiday houses in the impressive nature of Swiss Saxony. Our dream was to completely renovate the Jagdschloss Bielatal. This dream has become reality, the last two years we have renovated the Jagdschloss and now we live there ourselves, so that we can greet guests personally.


In 2018 haben wir angefangen Felsenkeller Bielatal komplett zu sanieren, und in Sommer 2019 fertiggestellt. Der Umbau des Felsenkeller Bielatal ist mitfinanziert worden durch Steuermittel auf der Grundlage des von den Abgeordneten des Sächsischen Landtags beschlossenen Haushalts.